Monday, August 5, 2013

Secret Origin The Story Of DC Comics

Secret Origin is a great DC Comics documentary, any fan of comics, and especially DC comics, will love this movie. I picked this movie up last night and I've watched it twice already.
The movie traces the origins of the comic book as an art form and how the DC comics publishing company was created all the way up to the current comics and comic movies of today. The best artists' and writers are interviewed from every era of the art form. Included are radio, movie and cartoon clips from every "age" of the comic book. It's an interesting look at the vital, inner workings of DC comics as a publishing company. The movie also comments on how public opinion has swayed back and forth on the comic book throughout every decade.
I thought I knew alot about comic books but now I know alot more about the history and about the artists' and writers who made the art form so great. What better to learn about DC comics than to hear it from the people who actually created them?... Highly recommended.

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